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Information you need to know to invest in Belgium, all in one place.

Preventing Disputes in Construction and Renovation Contracts: Tips for Homeowners

Preventing Disputes in Construction and Renovation Contracts: Tips for Homeowners

Hiring a company for construction or renovation work can be an exciting process, but it also comes with potential risks of contract disputes. To avoid problems and ensure a positive experience, follow these essential tips:

1. Research the Company Thoroughly:

Don't choose the first company you come across. Conduct thorough research, check online reviews, and ask for references to ensure the honesty and reputation of the company.

2. Get Multiple Quotes:

Don't hesitate to obtain several detailed quotes for your project. Compare them carefully to ensure that all expenses are well-defined.

3. Establish a Written Contract:

Never start any work without a written contract. The contract should include project details, costs, timelines, warranties, and payment terms.

4. Beware of Excessive Upfront Payments:

Avoid paying the full project cost upfront. Opt for a staggered payment schedule based on the progress of the work.

5. Verify Insurances:

Ensure that the company is adequately insured to cover any damage or accidents during the work.

6. Communicate Clearly:

Maintain open and regular communication with the company throughout the project. Keep records of all communications.

7. Don't Accept Unfinished or Defective Work:

Don't sign a completion certificate until you are 100% satisfied with the outcome. Report any issues and ensure they are resolved before finalizing payment.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of disputes in construction and renovation contracts. Stay vigilant and ensure your project proceeds smoothly.

How to Find the Perfect Contractor for Your Work: Checking Solvency

How to Find the Perfect Contractor for Your Work: Checking Solvency

When searching for a contractor for your work, it's essential to ensure the solvency of the company. Here's how to go about it:

1. VAT Number Verification:

Ask for the company's VAT number and verify it with tax authorities. This will confirm the legal existence of the company.

2. Check Commercial Registers:

Check commercial registers to confirm if the company is registered and in good standing. You can also check for recent disputes or bankruptcies.

3. Request References:

Don't hesitate to ask for references from the company. Contact former clients to get feedback on the quality of work and adherence to deadlines.

4. Liability Insurance:

Ensure that the company has liability insurance in case of damages during the work.

5. Clear Contract:

Before signing a contract, make sure it's detailed and specific, including costs, timelines, and warranties.

Checking the solvency of the company is crucial to avoid financial issues or unfinished projects. Take the time to do your research to find the perfect contractor for your work.

Reducing Your Real Estate Property's Energy Consumption: Practical Tips
Real Estate

Reducing Your Real Estate Property's Energy Consumption: Practical Tips

Reducing your real estate property's energy consumption is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Here are some practical tips to achieve this:

1. Effective Insulation:

Ensure that your property is properly insulated. This includes insulation for walls, the roof, and windows. Good insulation helps maintain a stable indoor temperature, reducing the need for frequent heating or cooling.

2. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances:

Opt for energy-efficient household appliances and heating/cooling systems with certifications like Energy Star. These appliances are designed to reduce electricity consumption.

3. LED Lighting:

Replace traditional bulbs with LED bulbs. They consume less energy and have a longer lifespan.

4. Thermostat Programming:

Use a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature based on your schedule. Lower the heat or air conditioning when you're not at home.

5. Solar Energy:

Consider installing solar panels on the roof to generate your own electricity. This can significantly reduce your electricity bill.

6. Seal Air Leaks:

Look for air leaks around doors and windows and seal them properly. Uncontrolled air infiltration increases heating or cooling loads.

By following these tips, you can reduce your real estate property's energy consumption while saving money in the long run and contributing to environmental preservation.

Finishes and Interior Design: Bringing Life to Your Real Estate Property
Real Estate

Finishes and Interior Design: Bringing Life to Your Real Estate Property

The finishes and interior design phase is one of the final stages in building a real estate property, but it's crucial for bringing your property to life.

1. Select materials and finishes:

Choose construction materials, flooring, paints, and finishes for each space. Ensure that selections harmonize with the property's style and function.

2. Hire an interior designer:

If desired, engage an interior designer to create a cohesive and appealing aesthetic for your real estate property. They can work on furniture layout, decor, and lighting.

3. Supervise finish work:

Ensure that finish work is carried out as per specifications and timelines. This may include the installation of fitted kitchens, bathrooms, heating, and cooling systems, and much more.

4. Final quality check:

Before handing over the property, conduct a final quality check to ensure everything is in order. Any issues should be resolved before delivery.

Once this phase is complete, your real estate property will be ready for occupancy or the market.

Construction and Project Monitoring: Bringing Your Real Estate Property to Life
Real Estate

Construction and Project Monitoring: Bringing Your Real Estate Property to Life

The construction phase is one of the most visible and demanding stages of a real estate project. During this period, your real estate property takes shape.

1. Project Management:

Hire an experienced project manager to oversee the construction. They will be responsible for coordinating between various construction teams, managing the budget, adhering to timelines, and resolving unforeseen issues.

2. Quality Monitoring:

Ensure that regular quality checks are conducted to ensure that construction is in line with plans and standards. Any defects or issues should be addressed promptly to avoid delays or additional costs.

3. Transparent Communication:

Maintain open and regular communication with the construction team and stakeholders. This will ensure that everyone is informed about progress and potential issues.

4. Compliance with Regulations:

Ensure that construction proceeds in compliance with all local regulations and permits issued. Any deviations should be addressed immediately to avoid legal complications.

The construction phase can be demanding, but with effective management and attention to detail, you will be able to see your real estate property take shape rewardingly.

Obtaining Building Permits and Commencing Construction: Launching the Project
Real Estate

Obtaining Building Permits and Commencing Construction: Launching the Project

Obtaining building permits is a crucial step in the process of constructing a real estate property. Once you have all the necessary permits in hand, you can finally kick off the construction work.

1. Submit permit applications:

Your architect and technical team will assist you in preparing and submitting building permit applications. These applications are essential to obtain approval from local authorities.

2. Await approvals:

Once the applications are submitted, you'll need to wait for approvals from local authorities. This process can vary in duration depending on the region and the complexity of the project.

3. Commence construction work:

Once all building permits are granted, you're ready to start construction work. Hire a qualified construction team to implement the plans and closely monitor the project's progress to ensure everything is proceeding according to specifications.

Obtaining building permits and commencing construction work mark an exciting milestone in the realization of your real estate property.

Engineering and Technical Design: The Foundations of Execution
Real Estate

Engineering and Technical Design: The Foundations of Execution

Engineering and technical design are crucial steps in building a real estate property. This is where plans become a tangible reality.

1. Engage engineers to design technical aspects:

After finalizing the architectural plans, it's time to bring in engineers. They will design the technical aspects of the building, including the structure, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems. Their expertise ensures the building will function efficiently and safely.

2. Create detailed plans:

Engineers will work on detailed plans that will serve as a guide for construction. These plans outline technical specifications, materials, and construction standards to be followed. They are crucial to ensuring the project's quality and compliance.

Once the technical plans are ready, you're prepared to move on to the next phase: obtaining construction permits.

Architectural Design: Crafting the Vision of Your Real Estate Property
Real Estate

Architectural Design: Crafting the Vision of Your Real Estate Property

Architectural design is a crucial step in building a real estate property. This is where the vision for your property takes shape.

1. Engage an architect to design the building:

The choice of the architect is critical. Look for a qualified professional who understands your needs and vision. Together, you will create plans for your real estate property, considering aesthetics, functionality, and compliance with local regulations.

2. Obtain design approvals:

Before you can proceed to construction, you'll need to secure design approvals for your project. These approvals can vary depending on the region and the type of real estate property you're building. Your architect can guide you through this process and ensure that all necessary documents are submitted.

Once you have the approved architectural plans in hand, you'll be ready to move on to the next step: engineering and technical design.

Initial Planning of a Real Estate Project: A Critical Step for Success
Real Estate

Initial Planning of a Real Estate Project: A Critical Step for Success

The construction of a real estate property is a complex undertaking that demands meticulous planning right from the outset.

1. Identifying the Right Location:

Choosing the location is one of the most critical decisions. Several factors need consideration, including accessibility, market demand, local infrastructure, and regulations. The location should align with the project's objectives. Is it a residential, commercial, or industrial area? A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) can be helpful in evaluating the pros and cons of each potential location.

2. Conducting a Market Study:

A thorough market study is essential to understand the current and future demand for your real estate project. You should examine market trends, selling or rental prices in the area, and identify competitors. This analysis will help determine the project's economic viability.

3. Reviewing Local Regulations and Necessary Permits:

Every region has its own zoning, construction, and urban planning regulations. You need to become familiar with these rules and ensure your project complies. You may need to obtain construction permits, occupancy permits, or other approvals specific to your project. Engage a lawyer or regulatory consultant if necessary to guide you through this process.

4. Assessing the Financial Viability of the Project:

The financial viability of your project is paramount. You need to estimate construction costs, including materials, labor, and overhead. Additionally, consider financing costs, property taxes, maintenance fees, and future operational costs. Create a realistic financial plan to assess the project's profitability in the long term.

In summary, preliminary planning and feasibility studies form the solid foundation upon which any real estate project rests. Take the necessary time to conduct these steps thoroughly as they will directly influence the success of your project. Working with experts such as architects, engineers, and legal advisors can also assist you in navigating these critical stages. Careful upfront planning will enable you to make informed decisions and minimize risks throughout the construction of your real estate property.

Succeeding in Renovation Projects in Belgium: What You Need to Know with Batixi

Succeeding in Renovation Projects in Belgium: What You Need to Know with Batixi

Belgium, with its rich architectural history, is a country where building renovation is a well-established tradition. Whether you want to modernize an old mansion in Brussels or restore a historic farm in Wallonia, renovation can be an exciting yet demanding endeavor. To help you successfully carry out your renovation projects in Belgium, while taking advantage of modern tools, we will explore the essential steps to follow, and how Batixi, our application, can simplify this process.

1. Precise Planning

Every renovation project begins with precise planning. Before demolishing anything or selecting materials, it is essential to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. In Belgium, this may involve adhering to strict heritage regulations, especially if your building is classified.

Batixi, our application that connects individuals with renovation professionals, can assist you in finding local experts who understand the regulations in your area. This will enable you to develop a realistic plan that complies with Belgian legislation.

2. Selecting Qualified Contractors

One of the most crucial steps in your renovation project is choosing the right professionals for the job. Renovation companies in Belgium vary in terms of competence and experience, so thorough research is paramount. Batixi can simplify this process with its list of qualified and verified contractors in your region. You can also check reviews and recommendations from other homeowners who have used their services.

3. Budget and Financing

Belgium often provides financial incentives for renovating historic buildings, which can significantly impact your budget. Make sure you understand all available financing and grant options for your project.

4. Meeting Energy Standards

In Belgium, energy standards are becoming increasingly stringent. Ensure that your renovation work complies with current requirements to guarantee the energy efficiency of your building. The professionals you find through Batixi are well-informed about the latest regulations and can advise you on energy improvements for your project.

In conclusion, carrying out renovation work in Belgium can be an exciting challenge. By using Batixi, you can benefit from local expertise and the necessary support to succeed in your project while adhering to Belgian regulations and standards. With careful planning, smart selection of professionals, and the use of modern tools like Batixi, you can transform your building into a space that combines historical elegance with contemporary comfort.

Investing in Real Estate in Belgium: Buying for Rental, a Viable Option?

Investing in Real Estate in Belgium: Buying for Rental, a Viable Option?

Real estate investment has long been considered one of the safest and most profitable ways to grow one's capital. In Belgium, a country known for its economic and political stability, real estate remains an attractive option for investors. However, the question that often arises is whether it is worthwhile to purchase real estate for the purpose of renting it out. In this article, we will examine the various aspects of real estate investment in Belgium and determine if buying for rental is a viable option.

The Stability of the Belgian Real Estate Market

One of the primary reasons why real estate investment in Belgium is appealing is the stability of the market. Unlike other countries where price fluctuations can be significant, Belgium has experienced relatively stable growth in the value of real estate over the years. This means that investing in real estate in Belgium can be considered a long-term investment, with generally consistent returns.

Tax Benefits

Belgium also offers attractive tax benefits for real estate investors. For example, rental income is generally not subject to VAT, reducing the tax burden for property owners. Furthermore, there are tax deductions available for property owners who rent out their properties, which can help maximize returns.

Rental Demand in Belgium

A crucial factor to consider when investing in real estate is rental demand. In Belgium, the demand for rental housing is generally high, especially in major cities like Brussels, Antwerp, and Liège. Students, expatriates, and professionals on assignment drive this demand. This means that investing in a property for rental purposes can be a lucrative option.

Costs Associated with Real Estate Investment, Including Energy-related Work

When considering real estate investment in Belgium, it's essential to take into account all associated costs. Apart from the initial purchase of the property, there are other significant expenses to anticipate. Among these, energy-related renovation and improvement work play a crucial role.

In Belgium, as in many other European countries, there are strict regulations regarding the energy efficiency of buildings. Property owners are required to comply with these standards, which may involve significant investments to bring a property into legal compliance. This can include the installation of more efficient heating systems, improving insulation, or even installing solar panels.

Streamlining Energy-related Work with Batixi

For investors looking to undertake energy-related work on their property, the Batixi application can be extremely helpful. Batixi is our online platform that connects individuals with professionals in the renovation sector. It enables property owners to quickly find qualified contractors to carry out the necessary work.

The Batixi application offers several advantages, including the ability to compare quotes from different professionals and read reviews from previous clients. This allows real estate investors to more efficiently manage their renovation projects and ensure that the work is done correctly.

Property Management

Investing in real estate in Belgium for rental purposes can be a profitable venture, but property management should not be underestimated. Owners must handle tenant searches, lease contract management, property maintenance, and addressing rental-related issues. While it is possible to entrust this task to a real estate agency, it also involves management fees.


Investing in real estate in Belgium can be an appealing option for those seeking a stable and potentially profitable investment. Purchasing a property for rental purposes can offer tax benefits and high rental demand, but it's essential to consider the costs associated with the investment and property management.

Before making a decision, it is advisable to conduct thorough research, consult real estate experts, and weigh the advantages against the disadvantages. Each investor has different financial goals and risk tolerances, so finding the strategy that best suits your long-term financial objectives is crucial.

Should You Buy or Rent a Property? Key Considerations for Making the Best Decision

Should You Buy or Rent a Property? Key Considerations for Making the Best Decision

When contemplating acquiring real estate, one of the most critical questions that arises is whether it's better to buy or rent. This decision can have a significant impact on your long-term financial life, and it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider to help you make the best decision based on your individual situation.

The Advantages of Buying Real Estate:

1. Building Equity

Buying a property allows you to build equity. By repaying your mortgage, you gradually increase your ownership of the asset, which can serve as a long-term financial safety net.

2. Stability and Security

As a homeowner, you have a place to live without the fear of having to vacate the premises at the end of a lease. You can customize your space to your preferences and truly make it your own.

3. Appreciation Potential

Real estate has historically shown long-term appreciation potential. If the real estate market is growing, the value of your property can increase, providing an opportunity for profit when you decide to sell.

The Advantages of Renting:

1. Flexibility

Renting offers greater geographic flexibility. You can move more easily to pursue a professional opportunity without the constraints of selling a house.

2. Fewer Responsibilities

As a tenant, you don't have to worry about repair and maintenance costs. It is the landlord's responsibility to take care of repairs and keep the property in good condition.

3. Lower Initial Financial Commitment

Buying a house often requires a significant initial financial investment in the form of a down payment and closing costs. In comparison, renting typically requires a more modest security deposit.

How to Make the Best Decision?

The decision to buy or rent real estate depends on your personal situation and financial goals. Here are some steps to follow to help you make the best decision:

1. Assess Your Financial Situation

Start by examining your finances. Can you afford to purchase a home considering your income, savings, and ability to repay a mortgage? Use mortgage calculators to determine how much you can borrow.

2. Consider Your Long-Term Goals

Think about your long-term financial goals. If you want to build equity and plan to stay in the same area for many years, buying real estate may be the better option. If you anticipate frequent changes in your life or career, renting may offer more flexibility.

3. Compare Costs

Examine the total costs of renting versus buying, including monthly payments, maintenance costs, and property taxes. Often, renting is cheaper in the short term, but buying can be more advantageous in the long run.

4. Consult a Real Estate Professional

It's wise to consult with a real estate agent or financial advisor for personalized advice based on your situation. They can help you make an informed decision, taking into account local market trends and your goals.

In conclusion, the decision to buy or rent real estate depends on many factors, including your personal finances, long-term goals, and current situation. There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and this choice should be based on a thorough evaluation of your specific circumstances. Whatever your decision, make sure you understand the financial and legal implications associated with buying or renting real estate.