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Cementing and painting facades

Cementing and painting facades

CategoryDue dateMaterials
Facade builder1 september 2023Required
Looking for a roofing contractor

Looking for a roofing contractor

CategoryDue dateMaterials
Plasterer1 september 2023Required

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Cementing and painting facades

Cementing and painting facades

Published on 1 june 2023Facade builder
1 september 2023
60 m²

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CategoryAreaLocationDue dateMaterials
Facade builder60 m²Brussels1 september 2023Required


I have to cement and paint a facade of approx. 240 m²
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Hello, I am interesting in your construction site. Can we meet each other so I can give you a quote?

06/01/2023 7:35AM

Hi, of course! I will be there at 9:00AM today, you can join me.

06/01/2023 7:45AM

Awesome! I will be there. See you later.

06/01/2023 8:06AM

Perfect, see you later!

06/01/2023 8:11AM
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    Connect with the best in the business - find and hire top-rated professionals who deliver exceptional results.

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    Stay connected seamlessly with professionals through our integrated messaging system, enabling effortless communication for a smooth and efficient collaboration experience.

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Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How do I create an account on the app?

      Creating an account is easy! Simply download the app from the App Store or Play Store, and follow the step-by-step registration process. You'll need to provide some basic information, such as your name, email address, and create a password.

    • Can I communicate directly with professionals through the app?

      Qualified professionals will reach out to you from your post's page

    • How can I provide feedback to professionals?

      Your feedback is valuable to us! Head over to the professional's page and add a review.

    • How can I get cost estimates for my project?

      Simply submit your project requirements, and professionals in your area will provide you with detailed cost estimates. You can compare the quotes and make an informed decision that suits your budget.

    • Is Batixi really free?

      Yes. Our goal is for you to find the perfect top-rated professionals at no additional cost.

    • What happens if there is a disagreement or dispute with a professional?

      In the event of a disagreement or dispute, we recommend attempting to resolve the issue directly with the professional involved.